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Captain America: Civil War recap as Marvel heroes speak for the first time in UK

The stars of Marvel's latest blockbuster gathered to face fans' questions and more ahead of the huge release

Captain America: Civil War is set to hit cinemas across the UK on April 29 and comic book fans can't wait to see the heroes back on the big screen.
On Monday afternoon, the stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's huge blockbuster
gathered for a special press conference ahead of the big release.
Streaming live on the comic book giants' official Facebook account, the cast were on hand to answer questions posed by the press and fans as excitement reaches a fever pitch.

And that's a wrap

A few minutes after Robert Downey Jr. jokingly asked if it was time for an intermission, it’s actually over.
Not much in the way of groundbreaking announcements - although a tease of more stories to be told regarding Nick Fury and his whereabouts during Civil War should be very interesting.
Lots of laughter though, and it’s clear the cast are enjoying every moment as the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to grow even bigger with every installment.

Even Captain America would be on Team Iron Man

Chris Evans has been asked what the world governments’ reactions to superheroes would be in 2016, and he actually agrees with Iron Man’s approach in the film.
Admitting he’s on Team Iron Man, he added: “You have to answer to somebody. You couldn’t just let this group of vigilantes answer to yourself.”

The excitement of the script

Chris Evans has been asked for his first thoughts on the script, and admitted it rested on the shoulders of RDJ - and whether he would agree to come back.
He added: “At the end of the movie, Marvel has this great history of never leaving you completely satisfied... For me, I was thrilled. S***, I’ll take all the help I can get.”
Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron

How long has this been planned?

Civil War has been in Kevin’s mind for a LONG time - even before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was first brought to the big screen.
He thought it was “impossible”, but a couple of years ago it felt like something they could actually achieve.

Anything planned?

Anthony Mackie has just been asked about the possibility of a Falcon standalone film - but sadly, nothing solid.
He joked: “We’re shooting a Weekend At Bernie’s spin-off.”
Please, just give us something?

"A lot of excitement"

Robert Downey Jr. also gave his opinion on Tom Holland earlier in the press conference, adding: “He’s something else, he came on with a bang.
“There’s a lot of excitement about seeing what’ll happen.”
Now, he’s talking about having a “good time” on set and how Paul Renner has helped him on set.

They've come so far

Elizabeth and RDJ have been asked to talk for the rest of the cast on the development of the characters over the years, and although she isn’t keen, Iron Man himself is proud of how it’s ended up.

Raising their game?

Here we go - Justice League has been brought up.
Chris Evans diplomatically says: “I don’t think anyone here makes movies based on what [other] people are doing.”
No real shots fired, disappointingly - is Justice League actually on their radar?

Close knit group

It’s clear that the group are comfortable with each other, laughing and jokes between all cast members making for a relaxed mood.
Sadly not a lot in the way of big revelations for the universe or the film - maybe that will come soon.
Bit of an odd one now, with Elizabeth Olsen and Emily VanCamp being asked how they cope with a lot of testosterone on set.
Both girls laugh it off fantastically and joke they sometimes have to watch their own language on set, rather than being offended by the boys.
Elizabeth says: “I’d rather just hold by own without having to be extra girly or bloke-ified.”

Enter Spiderman

The Russo brothers have been asked about Tom Holland’s debut as Spiderman, and how RDJ’s character Iron Man has reacted to the new arrival.
They explain: “He believes that he’s taking with him perhaps one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe.”
On Holland himself, they add: “It’s like a new anyone - I think he really came on with a bang. There’s a lot of excitement about seeing what will happen.”
Facebook / Marvel

New boy Paul Rudd

Very relaxed feel in the room between the cast and press, before Paul Rudd is asked about being brought into the cinematic universe.
He explains: “It was a very welcoming feeling.”
The actor - who starred in Ant Man - was able to bring his own sense of humour into the movie, and feels the character gave him the opportunity to express his own feelings of joining such a superstar cast.

Romance on the big screen

Emily VanCamp - who plays Sharon Carter/Agent 13 in the film - has been asked about a potential romance with Steve Rodgers, but isn’t sure how far they’ll take it on screen.
She adds: “These movies are great fun to make. Happy to be a part of it.”

Any friction on set?

Their characters might clash on screen, but Chris Evans insists there have been no arguments on set.
“It’s like summer camp, it really is,” he explains. “Every new person they add into the fray - no one’s out of place.”
Robert Downey Jr. quips: “Speak for yourself.”

Who could save the world?

Marvel Studios’ president Kevin Feige has been given a great question - which of his heroes would he most like in real life to help save the world.
Lots of banter and laughter between the group, before Kevin plays it safe and chooses Captain America AND Iron Man.

And we're off

Directors Anthony and Joe Russo join their cast on the huge, star-studded panel and admit there needs to be a story.
Jokingly describing themselves as “action fetishists”, they brothers say there has to be a balance with the story.
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans got involved early on, with the former jokingly referring to Captain America as a “rat ass”

What to expect?

There’s a LOT to get excited about for the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which follows on from Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Captain America and Iron Man clash, with two opposing factions coming from the fractured group - and those battles alone will be well worth seeing on the big screen.
There’s also the debut of Spiderman, with Tom Holland bringing the web-slinger into the movie franchise.
Twitter @Marvel

Excited to see the cast and crew?

The table may be empty now, but we’re told there’s going to be 13 people occupying those seats to give everyone an exciting dose of Marvel magic.
We’ll have all the updates and reaction right here as it happens, and you can watch the live stream on Marvel’s Facebook page.

And we're live

It’s time for the stars and filmmakers behind arguably the most anticipated movie of the year to dish the dirt on the week of its release.
The press gathered in the room are being encouraged to whoop and show their excitement, but no pictures - decapitation via Captain America’s shield is threatened.
Lovely stuff - here we go.

Whose side are you on?

It’s a hot topic ahead of the film’s release, and fans will be nailing their colours to the mast.
With Captain America on one side and Iron Man on the other - who has your vote?

It's almost here!

Marvel fans around the world are no doubt getting more excited by the minute - Captain America: Civil War launches this week in the UK!
This afternoon, the stars will be gathered to speak about the upcoming comic book blockbuster, and we can’t wait to hear what they have to say.
The press conference will be shown via Facebook live, and we’ll have all the updates and reaction as it happens.


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