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Dynamo shows how to 'levitate' in thin air and 'walk' through water as he reveals secrets behind illusions

The TV magician runs through a series of forced perspective techniques which also show how to shrink your friends - using your phone

A magician never reveals his tricks - but Dynamo has showed how to impress your friends with a series of amazing illusions using just your phone.
But the TV illusionist hasn't broken the code of the Magic Circle - he's simply revealed how to pull off impressive optical stunts on your handset.
In this video, the Bradford-born magician shows how you can trick your pals into thinking you're using a London bus for a roller-skate.
He also reveals how to look like you're levitating in thin air, walking through a wall of water or being dwarfed by a pint glass.
Samsung S7Dynamo's photographic illusions
Is he levitating? Believe it or not, this is an optical illusion that's easy to pull off

And it's all to allow you to create truly memorable images that will impress yourFacebook friends.
Thanks to a mixture of 'forced perspective" techniques and a handful of props and toys, the resulting images are spectacular.
The snaps were created as part of the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy S7 phone.
A behind-the-scenes video called Everyday Illusions shows exactly how he did it.
PADynamo's photographic illusions
Skate park: He rides a bus in an unconventional way
The tricks range from the simple to elaborate.

To create the impression he is a Godzilla-like giant wreaking havoc on London, Dynamo collected some toy vehicles and shot from a distance.
Other setups were more complex.
To make it appear like he he was walking through a wall of water, the magician had to commandeer a swimming pool and lay on his back on a giant mirror.



Jim MarksDynamo's photographic illusions
Godzilla: A giant Dynamo terrorises London
Dynamo appears to tower over a London traffic scene.
We created a miniaturised London road with some props to create a forced perspective illusion that really makes you look twice


PADynamo's photographic illusions
Pub trick: Behind the scenes of Dynamo's illusions

Jim MarksDynamo's photographic illusions
Pub trick: Behind the scenes of Dynamo's illusions
This illusion uses a simple chair prop.
The seat of the chair is actually a separate component which is put further back in the shot which when lined up makes whoever is sitting on it look tiny


PADynamo's photographic illusions
Miracle worker: He's walked on water before, now he's walking through it
Jim MarksDynamo's photographic illusions
Umbrella group: the elaborate set-up for the 'water wall' shot
I wanted to try a really cool shot using water, and just by flipping the orientation of the image, I was able to create this incredible image of me walking out of a wall of water.


SamsungDynamo's photographic illusions
Dynamo's photographic illusions

SamsungDynamo's photographic illusions
Dynamo's photographic illusions

Creating the illusion that you are standing on a ledge is all about finding the right location, in this case, a concrete bench.
The paper aeroplane really adds to the shot casting shadows and confusing the orientation.
This shot was caught by using the super-fast focus on the S7 to capture the plane in flight.


SamsungDynamo's photographic illusions
Dynamo's photographic illusions

When I was younger I used to be into BMXing.
I’d try loads of crazy scores but I wasn’t that good at it.
But using some very clever camera work, you can actually become the ultimate extreme sports star – all you need is your imagination a birds-eye view


SamsungDynamo's photographic illusions
Dynamo's photographic illusions

This is by far the easiest illusion of the set but it’s still brilliantly effective and very easy to create, shooting from a low angle and positioning the boots to line with your feet – simple!


SamsungDynamo's photographic illusions
Dynamo's photographic illusions

This shot showcases the super-fast shutter speed of the S7 – if you haven’t guessed already this involves a trampoline a decent stretch of sky and trying to look like you are walking rather than jumping!
Having a ‘burst mode’ on your camera phone really helps as one out of 10 shots will achieve the right effect.


Jim MarksDynamo's photographic illusions
Behind the scenes shots of celebrity magician Dynamo, real name Steven Frayne, creating a series of original photographic illusions to celebrate this week’s launch of the new Samsung Galaxy S7, in London

Dynamo shot a final ‘Bonus’ illusion he has called ‘Stage Face’ on-stage during his tour at the Liverpool Echo Arena.

Dynamo - real name Steven Frayne - is best known for his hit TV show Magician Impossible and is currently on a sell-out arena tour of the UK.

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